Getting older gives you the opportunity to look back and if you're me, have a nice chuckle over the things you have done or didn't do. As we get older I do hope that we are getting wiser because otherwise, what is the point? Do you remember feeling invincible? I do. I used to think that I couldn't be touched, that things would somehow just magically fall into place for me because I was special... This was a hard lesson because what it really takes in this world, especially now with the economic uncertainty, is hard work. Hard work, perseverance, dedication, skill, willingness... you get the point. Not everybody gets a handout and proceed accordingly. Only one of the people in my group of friends has actually made it on their own and I mean without mommy and daddy buying them a house or paying for college or giving them startup capital or literally getting them a job. Maybe that isn't helping my point. Perhaps my point should be that you need well connected and wealthy parents. I digress. Wow, this really isn't where I was going with this post but if you are one of the lucky ones that does get a helping hand from whomever, take it and give it your all.
All of that aside here are a few things that I wish I would have listened to when I was younger but keep in mind that it is never too late.
1. Wear sunscreen. This is such a simple thing to do and only in the past few years have I been doing it. No one likes wrinkles and we are all searching for that fountain of youth but until it arrives use sunscreen. Take care of your skin. You'll thank yourself later.
2. Tanning is stupid. I was one of those girls that pretty much tanned every day in high school and even continued into my early twenties. Yeah. I knew it was bad for me but I didn't care because I couldn't see what it was actually doing. There are so many lotions and spray tans available that tanning isn't necessary anymore.

3. Smoking will kill you. So here is something that I struggle with daily because I am an occasional smoker. I wish I could go back in time and tell myself that it isn't cool to smoke and that it will be the hardest thing you ever try to quit. I could punch myself for ever picking up that first cancer stick. Now they have the vapor cigarettes which are supposed to be better for you so I might try those out as a way to finally break the chain but take my advice and don't ever start. A man I work with never smoked a day in his life until he married a smoker at 28. His wife quit a few years later but he continues to smoke to this day. IDIOT! There is no excuse to start smoking that late in life.

4. Don't waste (a lot of) money on trends. I went through my closest last week and got rid of all of the crap I haven't worn in a year and took it to goodwill. When I go shopping now, I look for the things that will never go out of style. I still like to follow trends and read about what the latest look is but when it comes to buying things, I make sure that it is something I will wear for years to come. I'm not implying that you shouldn't buy things that you love but I get very annoyed going through my clothes to find things that were not only expensive but that I wouldn't be caught in now.

5. School is so important. I was one of those kids that hated school. I hated it so much that I would convince my mom of illnesses that I had in order to stay home. It's amazes me how I would actually be sick when I went to the doctor a few times. Consider that mind over matter. Then I went to high school and I started liking school again because of boys and parties. Trust me when I tell you that you will have plenty of opportunities to party and waste time on boys later in life but it can't be your priority while you're learning. I went to college but didn't graduate and I am regretting it so much now. Yes, I could go back but I should have finished when I was younger.