September 25, 2013
"The National Organization for Women is proud of the work Montana NOW has undertaken to remove Judge G. Todd Baugh from the bench by filing an official complaint with the Montana Judicial Standards Commission. Baugh has come under intense scrutiny after sentencing a middle-aged teacher to only 30 days in jail for the rape of his 14 year old student, Cherice Moralez; Moralez later committed suicide.
Montana NOW, along with allied organizations UltraViolet and, have collected 140,000 signatures on a petition demanding Judge Baugh be removed. A separate letter written by Montana NOW President Marian Bradley – and co-signed by survivors of sexual assault -- has received 346 signatures.
Montana NOW, along with allied organizations UltraViolet and, have collected 140,000 signatures on a petition demanding Judge Baugh be removed. A separate letter written by Montana NOW President Marian Bradley – and co-signed by survivors of sexual assault -- has received 346 signatures.
Members of the National Organization for Women from all over the country stand in solidarity with the women and men fighting for justice for Cherice Moralez and all victims of sexual violence."
I not only find this whole situation disturbing but I am shocked that this is the first time I am hearing about it. Not that I regularly watch the news but I do look for updates on my igoogle during the day and have also been trying to listen to NPR regularly. I'm not sure if the links will show up in this post but I will also add them below. Please sign them. It literally takes a moment.
Here is an article about it.
Link to the formal complaint:
Link to the Petition:
Link to the Letter: