Monday, January 6, 2014

weekend review

 Monday always comes too early for me but I must say that I had a really good weekend. Airport Guy and I met up Friday and had a lot of fun. We went to a small wine bar that serves tapas and hit up a few other places he hadn't been to. My nerves got the best of me and I ended up drinking a little more then I should have (not me!) but I knew everything was good when he asked me to dinner on Saturday night. I ended up having to go into the office Saturday afternoon to knock out some leases but I didn't mind. I wasn't able to go Saturday night to dinner because of prior engagements but we went last night and again, had a lot of fun. I also got to catch up with my bestie over sake and that's always a great time. Yesterday morning I went to the gym with my trainer and enjoyed getting the shit beat out of me. Not really, but that's how I feel today. Sore. Everywhere. A few notable quotes from the weekend:

"That's how security guards are supposed to be. I could rape you. I probably won't. But I could."

When talking to Danielle about the creepy security guard that works at my office building. He offered me cookies. No sir, I do not care for any roofie cookies.

"You've been downgraded to stalker status."

What I told Airport Guy at dinner. I decided to meet him Friday because you never know who could be a serial killer and I don't need anymore crazy in my neighborhood. He was happy to hear he had been downgraded but also asked if I do this with all of the people I date. The answer is yes.

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