Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Christmas Party

 This will be the first year that I attend a Christmas party for a company that I work for. Over the years, I have been brought to many parties as a date but never as an employee. I am very excited about it and I can't wait to see everyone outside of the office. I was told that they really let loose and have fun. I haven't decided what I am going to wear yet but it will definitely be a black dress of some sort. Holiday parties are a great opportunity to really get to know your coworkers and let your personality shine so you want to make sure that you dress and act appropriately. You don't want to be the person that got wasted and made an ass of themselves!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

6 Types of Love


a passionate physical and emotional love based on aesthetic enjoyment; stereotype of romantic love
a love that is played as a game or sport; conquest; may have multiple partners at once
an affectionate love that slowly develops from friendship, based on similarity
love that is driven by the head, not the heart
obsessive love; experience great emotional highs and lows; very possessive and often jealous lovers
selfless altruistic love; spiritual;
(Source: Wikipedia, via hello-image)

I found this list on another blog and I just have to share because this time of year makes you think about the ones you love. Which types of love have you experienced in your life? I think I have been through all of them in one relationship or another, perhaps all at once! Sadly, you never really know which one you're in until it's over.... Cheers to all kinds of love and the hell that comes with them!

It's almost here...

Friday! I don't know about you but it has been a loooong week and I need some time to relax. I plan on lighting some candles and hopping into a bubble bath, complete with a big glass of vino. This time of year  raises my stress level by 100%! I suggest that everyone has a little me time this weekend. Let's hope the workday flies by tomorrow. Cheers!