Tuesday, May 7, 2013

the beginning of the end

I'm a pretty private person. Especially when it comes to my personal life. There are a select few people that are trusted with this kind of information but today I am going to open up a little. I'm getting divorced after almost two and a half years of marriage. If you have never gone through this, it can be a very hard thing to understand. No one gets married to get divorced. Obviously! Or at least, I would hope not! This has definitely been a long time coming but it doesn't change the fact that it just plain sucks! Today I get to go hand in the signed documents to my lawyer and have him get a court date. I was really really hoping that I would get out of appearing in court but I have no choice. My ex has been very absent during this whole process and that's because he doesn't want this to happen so I understand to an extent. I wish I had some life changing wisdom to throw out into the world today.... 
I don't regret getting married. It was a beautiful wedding and a very wonderful experience that I think everyone should have. Sometimes things just don't work out and everyone and no one is truly to blame. It would be a lot easier if there were. Everything is a learning process. You have to move forward and grow as an individual. All I can do from this point forward is make a conscious effort to not repeat my past mistakes, in relationships and in life. Keep the people that love and accept the real you close because without them, these kinds of challenges would be unbearable. I am so lucky to have a few strong individuals in my life that could help me get through anything. In the end, you can't be afraid of pain. Pain is a part of life that has to exist so that joy and all of the great things can. All you can do is experience it, perhaps have a shower cry, and then move on. Wow. I sound really healthy. Cheers to me. 

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