Tuesday, April 16, 2013

kids today

I feel old. I deleted my Facebook a few months ago because I couldn't put up with the rampant stupidity. I have Instagram, which can be just as frustrating. A few things I don't understand about our socially networked and smart phone driven lives:
1. Selfies. Do you really need a couple of likes and fake comments (you're so pretty!) so you can feel good about yourself today? Oh yes, please take one while you are in the bathroom where you probably just got finished taking a shit. Very attractive.
2. Anything Religious and or Political. Let me rephrase, anything that makes you a flagrant hypocrite. I love seeing hateful posts about gay people and then one right after expressing their love for all things God. According to the Bible, Jesus loved everyone. Perhaps the message isn't clear enough.... If you happen to believe in God then you should know that he stands for love, forgiveness, patience, kindness and everything nice. Behave accordingly.
3. Text messages as the only form of communication. I know that I have bitched about this before but it bears repeating. I know that it can be much easier to send a text rather then making an actual phone call but that can't be the only way we communicate. G chat, Facebook messages, poking, twitterings don't count either. I'm not saying you have to have hour long conversations with someone but hearing someones voice can be a magnificent experience. Better yet, put all of this technology to work and face time someone. I don't like the fake feeling of connection. You can't hear tone in a text message. You can delay a response until whenever. Ugh
 I'm sure there will be a part two for this list but for now I am going to check in someplace cool.

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