Saturday, November 5, 2011

Thanks Mom and Dad

 My parents gave me one of the greatest gifts that a person can have; manners. From the time I could speak I was taught to say "may I," "please," and "thank you" as part of everyday vocabulary.  A friend of mine told me that they could tell that I was raised "right," now I can't really say that is completely accurate but I will say that I was raised to have manners. I worked in the restaurant industry for almost a decade and it always shocked me how rude people were, not only to each other but to complete strangers. Stranger that were serving them! It seems like common knowledge that if someone does something for you, you would in return say "thank you." But this rarely the case.
 I'm sorry can be a tough one too. There is a whole lot of ego wrapped up in it but when genuine,  it can solve many things. So say it if you need to and mean it. The worst apologies are the ones you can tell are fake.
 I like to watch people interacting on dates. I try to notice if the man will open the door and pay for the bill. For anyone that is wondering, yes, a man should open the door and pay for their evening out. I understand that women want independence but some things shouldn't change. I went through a horrible feminist phase where I would insist on paying and hated the door being opened for me. (I have arms!) But that is ridiculous, I think women have let men get lazy. I'm not inferring that the man should do everything but he should do something! It's a sign of respect and it should be demanded. Make her feel special!!!
 At the end of the day it's about trying to be a good person. I know this can be very difficult at times considering we are all selfish assholes but just try baby steps.
Manners by Kate Spade. Check it out.

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