Thursday, October 20, 2011


What woman doesn't like pearls? I would guess not many. Pearls have been and are considered a symbol of femininity and class. I too must admit that pearls are a part of my weekly and sometimes daily routine. Whereas they used to be worn only for special occasions (dinner pearls anyone?) they have become an everyday jewelry piece. I was given my first set of pearls for my First Communion, they were tiny but I loved them nonetheless. Since then I have done my best to start collecting them and since my mom works at a jewelry store, I have quite a few strands.
 There is a tale about Cleopatra (one of my favs) and pearls. It is said that she hosted a banquet in which she told Marc Antony that they would be having the most expensive dinner in history, even though they both sat with empty plates. She supposedly possessed the two biggest pearls in the world, and wore them as earrings but took them off and crushed one that was put into her vinegar and drank. Apparently Antony was astonished and didn't follow suit.
 I have read a few versions of this story and although I'm sure none of them are correct, I still have to love it.  

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